Anthony Verez

I'm a security engineer living in Zurich. My main professional interests are security, web development and system administration.


Github  Bitbucket


I'm NOT currently looking for a job.

Resume (EN)  CV (FR) 


You can contact me at anthony {@} verez {.} net

Papers and presentations

2014 MozDef: You've collected your security logs, now what? (Mozilla's SIEM) Mozilla Video (EN)
Slides (EN)
2014 On the Use of Data Mining Techniques for the Clustering of URLs Extracted from Network-based Malware Traces Telecom SudParis Paper (EN)
Slides (FR)
2013 Automation for network security: BanHammer-ng and Brozilla Mozilla Video (EN)
Slides (EN)
2013 Security Model of Firefox OS Telecom SudParis Paper (EN)
Slides (EN)
2013 Déploiement IPv6 en pratique dans un SI à base de Linux et Cisco MiNET Paper (FR)
2011 HoneySSH: un serveur SSH honeypot Telecom SudParis Paper (FR) Slides (FR)

Twitter timeline